Don’t Let It Loose
Don’t Let It Loose Project
The Ocean Floor supports the Don’t Let It Loose project, promoted by the US Fish & Wildlife Service to protect animals. It is never appropriate to release a pet into the wild. However, you may feel uncertain about how to find a new home for your pet. We are always happy to talk with you about any fish that needs a new home. In many cases, the store can accept your fish and will always provide quality advice.
Why Releasing a Pet Into the Wild is Never the Right Thing
Most pets released to the wild do not survive, and many suffer before they die. Pets are usually unable to find food or shelter in the wild and they are often an easy meal for another creature. If it does manage to survive, your pet becomes an invasive species that native wildlife may not have the defenses to compete against. Invasive species cause harm to the environment and the economy.
What to do if You Can no Longer Care for a Pet
It’s simple. If you have a pet you find you can no longer care for, you need to find it a new home – and never, ever, release your pet into the wild. If you are not able to place your pet with another caring owner, your best course is to contact an animal shelter, agency, or even a pet store near you. The knowledgeable personnel in these places can help you find the right place for your pet.
Read more about safely re-homing animals on the Don’t Let It Loose website.
Top to bottom: Apple Snail, Quagga Mussels, and Water Lettuce. Each of these are invasive species to Arizona and can sometimes be found in Arizona’s waterways and canals.